I haven't posted for some time as the business is on hold. I have been ill, and am unable to do leather-work at the moment.
Unfortunately, I let the website address lapse, as I honestly didn't think that anyone else would want to use the name. Clearly I was wrong.
My old website address was purchased, the very day it lapsed. Which is basically the first day it became available again.
All this was brought to my attention today, by someone who contacted me on my FB page, looking to purchase goods. I have therefore removed all links left on any of my information; that go to this new site. We have been shared on a few websites over the years by people, showing the leather-work we did, and the supplies we were selling; but I have no idea which ones these are.
If you do see anything I've missed, that I can do something about; or if you find anything I should know about, then please, just let me know.
Obviously there isn't much I can do about the fact they bought my domain name. Fuming at myself for not renewing. Grrrr!!!!
My old site now sells hats, belts, sunglasses, and clothing etc. I have been informed that they are all branded, high end goods; but as I am not one iota fashion conscious, I wouldn't have had the slightest clue.
I just wanted to let people know that this new site, is not connected with me in any way, at all.
I'm sure the site is fine, but you just never know, so please be careful.
My concern now, is for anyone buying from it, thinking it's still mine: and of course for myself too. I don't want a bad reputation based on someone who bought my old domain name; and isn't treating their customers exactly as they deserve to be treated.
So, just to be absolutely crystal. If you do purchase on it, you are definitely NOT purchasing from me, the original Hostile Hide, and Hostile Heroine :)
Take Care All ^_^
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